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RaM transport Consulting
NKENT CONSULTING offers expert support in several areas of RAM transport to help clients succeed with their package development and licensing needs. Some areas include:
- Packaging design support,
- SAR preparation and revision support,
- Technical Review (designs, test plans, analyses, SARs),
- Package licensing assistance (domestic and international),
- Understanding the regulatory requirements.
Click here for more information about RAM transport consulting services.
Part 70 Fuel Cycle Facility Consulting
Although the majority of Mr. Kent's career has been in RAM transport, his several years experience in criticality safety as an EH&S engineer at a major LEU fuel fabrication facility enables NKENT CONSULTING to be able to offer consulting services to assist nuclear fuel cycle facilities clients in numerous areas, including:
- Criticality Safety Evaluation (CSE) Preparation Support and Review
- Integrated Safety Analysis (ISA) Preparation Support and Review
- Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) Support
- License Applications Preparation Support and Review
- Corrective Action Program (CAP) Support
Click here for more about Fuel Cycle Facility consulting services.
While online training serves a purpose, NKENT CONSULTING is convinced that there is no substitute for face-to-face training where trainer and trainees can interact. The trainer brings years of experience with current illustrations that improve comprehension. Trainees interact with each other and have their "what if," and “how do we do this,” questions answered. In some instances, the answers come straight from the Competent Authority.
NKENT CONSULTING offers affordable 49CFR and IAEA SSR-6 based General Awareness and Function-Specific training.
General Awareness Training includes:
- Categories of radioactive material
- Labelling, marking, placarding
- Packaging
- Shipping papers
- Emergency response requirements
- Relationship between US and IAEA transport regulations
- Licensing
Function-Specific training is available for:
- Licensing professionals
- Logistics personnel
- Operations and maintenance personnel
- Engineering, design, and manufacturing personnel
Senior executives and commercial & marketing professionals will benefit from having a basic understanding of the U.S. and International Transport Regulations. Such knowledge is indispensable in contract negotiation, developing business development strategy, logistics planning, performing cost analyses.
2-3 hour seminars are offered on the following:
- U.S. and International Transport Regulations
- U.S. Transport Regulations (for non-U.S. based transporters)
- International Transport Regulations (for U.S. based transporters)
The seminars focus on
- Basic framework of the regulations, emphasizing areas of agreement and divergence between U.S. and International Regulations,
- Timescales and sequencing of the package licensing process,
- Domestic (U.S.) and import/export transport
Click here for more about our training.