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NKENT CONSULTING offers the required HAZMAT training (General Awareness and Function Specific), but we also offer training on numerous RAM transport-related topics, with emphases tailored to meet the needs of specific audiences. 

In addition, NKENT CONSULTING offers seminars for executives, project and program managers, and commercial and marketing professionals who may not need the structure of a formal training session, but who would benefit from a better understanding of certain aspects of the radioactive material transport world.

Required training includes:

General Awareness HAZMAT Training

General Awareness Training is defined as a systematic program that ensures a hazmat employee has familiarity with the general provisions of Subchapter C of Title 49 as they pertain to Class 7. New employees and employees new to a hazmat position must receive training within 90 days. Recurrent training is required every 3 years.

NKENT CONSULTING offers one-day and one-and-a-half day sessions. Both formats satisfy regulatory requirements, but the extra half-day allows more time to go into depth in different areas.

Function Specific HAZMAT Training

Function Specific Training pertains specifically to the function a hazmat employee performs. NKENT CONSULTING offers function specific training for the following job functions:

  • Shipping and other logistics personnel
  • Maintenance and operations personnel
  • Engineering, design, and manufacturing personnel
  • Licensing personnel

Topics that can be presented as formal training or seminars include:

transport regulations overview for executives, management and commercial / marketing professionals

Executives, managers, and commercial/marketing personnel may not meet the definition of Hazmat employee and so do not need the required training. But it is important to the business that they have a proper understanding of the transport regulatory environment in which they operate or hope to operate. This overview training covers the breadth of the transport regulations tailored to the client's need.

Train the trainer

Perhaps you have a training department that handles the HAZMAT training in addition to other training requirements. New trainers need to be brought up to speed, and experienced trainers need refresher training. NKENT CONSULTING can train and "calibrate" your training department, and provide informed consulting support afterward.


This training is offered primarily for owners and operators of foreign licensed packages who need to better understand the U.S. transport regulations. The training can include 10CFR71. (Note: this training does not satisfy hazmat training requirements.)

One day look at SSR-6

Offered primarily for owners and users of U.S. licensed packages who operate or wish to operate abroad, or who want to know more about the international transport regulations. The training will include a brief history of the IAEA standards. (Note: this training does not satisfy hazmat training requirements.)

Working with SSG-33, Schedules of Provisions of the IAEA Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material (2012 Edition)

SSG-33 is a very useful companion document to SSR-6 but might be difficult to navigate. NKENT CONSULTING will prepare a briefing targeted to your transport needs.

tying the transport regulations together: From the "orange book" to 49CFR to SSR-6 to IMDG to you

This training is designed to present a helicopter view of the relationship among the transport regulations and modal regulations. It does not replace the function-specific training required for shippers and transporters. This training enables management and program managers to understand how the different regulations fit together.

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